Untrue Facts

Consider the following military history “trivia” question. There’s no prize money if you get it right, but that never stopped me from finding questions like this to be infinitely fascinating.

Both Hitler and Napoleon invaded Russia and lived to regret it. Their armies started out at almost exactly the same place on the map. The French Army began their invasion on June 24, 1812. The hordes of Nazi tanks, planes and mechanized infantry invaded the USSR on June 22, 1941. For zero points and no chance at a new car, answer the following question–

Which army–Napoleon’s bedraggled soldiers who had no trains or trucks (and certainly no tanks) and who had to walk all the way, or Hitler’s legions, mechanized to the max and famous for the “blitzkrieg” or “lightning war”–reached Moscow FASTER?

Take your time. No rush. When you’re ready, scroll down to reveal the answer.


The Armies of Napoleon Bonaparte reached Moscow on September 14, 1812, having marched, on foot, all the way. The Nazi blitzkrieg clanked into the greater Moscow metropolitan area on October 10, 1941. They never actually entered Moscow, but they did reach the greater Moscow area.

Almost exactly a month longer than Napoleon’s army had taken to do the same trick, almost one-hundred and fifty years earlier–when the fastest form of transportation was a horse.








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